WX 200 Weather Station Software
(630-1015)      Creating and Using Weather Graphs     Faxback Doc. # 38359

To illustrate the weather conditions recorded by your WX 200, you can
easily create, customize the appearance of, print, and save
(to-your hard drive) several types of 2- or 3-dimensional graphs.


    This section provides you with a brief description of how to create,
    customize, save, and print graphs with your software.  To obtain
    detailed graphing instructions, see "For Additional Help on Graphing."

Creating a Graph

The Weather Station window always displays compact-view graphs plotting
the air temperatures and barometric pressure readings recorded during
the last 6 hours (see "A Quick Look at the Weather Station Window."

To open a Weather Station Graphs window showing a full view of either of
those compact graphs, click on the magnifying glass icon (+) below that
compact graph.

To create a graph plotting the temperature or barometric pressure for a
different period of time, or to create a graph plotting other weather
condition recorded by your WX 200, follow these steps.


    You can create and view only one graph at a time in AccuWeather for

1.  Click on Graphs in the Weather Station Window.
    The Weather Station Graph Setup window appears.

2.  Set these graph and data perimeters in the Weather Station graph
    Setup window.


    To move the cursor to the next box in the window, press Tab or click
    on that box.

Title          Type in the title (up to 100 alphanumeric characters) you
               want to appear on the graph.

Style          Click anywhere on the box to open the drop-down menu, then
               click on the scroll-bar to scroll through the menu
               (if necessary) until you see the style of graph
               (Area, Area-3D, Bar, Bar-3D, Comparison, Line, Scatter,
               or Tape) you want to create.  Then click on that style's
               name to select it.


               The graph styles you can select from this menu are ones
               commonly used to graph weather conditions; however, the
               software includes other styles (such as pie, polar, and
               bubble) that you can select later.  See "Customizing Your
               Graph's Appearance."

Data Type 1    Click anywhere on the box to open the drop-down menu, then
               click on the sroll-bar to scroll through the menu
               (if necessary) until you see the weather condition you want
               to graph.  Then click on the weather condition's name to
               select it.

Data Type 2    If you selected the Comparison graph style, click anywhere
               on the box to open the drop down-menu, then click on the
               scroll-bar to scroll through the menu (if necessary) until
               you see the weather condition you want to compare against
               the Data Type 1 you selected.  Then click on the weather
               condition's name to select it.

Source         Click on Observations to graph data that appears in the
               Recent Observations window (weather data stored for up to
               the last 500 recording intervals), or click on Almanac to
               graph data that appears in an almanac file.


               AccuWeather for Windows does not create its first almanac
               file until after midnight on the first day you run the
               software.  If you try to create a graph and select Almanac
               as the source before then, the Could Not Create Graph error
               window appears.  Wait until after midnight
               (the next day, for example), then try again.

Start Time     If you selected the source Observations, type in the time
               that the first weather condition you want to graph was
               recorded.  Then click on AM or PM to select the correct
               AM or PM hour.

Start Date     Type in the date that the first weather condition you want
               to graph was recorded.

End Time       If you selected the source Observations, type in the time
               that the last weather condition you want to graph was
               recorded.  Then click on AM or PM to select the correct
               AM or PM hour.

End Date       Type in the date that the last weather condition you want
               to graph was recorded.

3.  Click on OK.  After a few seconds (the more data you select to
    graph, the longer it might take), the Weather Station Graphs window
    appears showing a graph with the parameters you selected.

To change the appearance (color, graph style, and so on) of your graph,
see "Customizing Your Graph's Appearance."

To save a graph so you can open and view it again later,
see "Saving Your Graph."

To print a graph, see "Printing Your Graph."

To close the Weather Station Graphs window, click on its title-bar button
(in the upper left corner), then select Close (or simply double-click on
that button).

Customizing Your Graph's Appearance

The button bar at the top of The Weather Station Graphs window has several
buttons that let you change your graph's appearance.  Here is a list of
the buttons you can use and a summary of each button's function.

    Although the software will let you select the graph type pie in
    its 2D and 3D galleries, we strongly recommend you not do so.
    Since a pie chart is not commonly used to graph weather data, 
    this software is not designed to support its use.  If you try to
    use a pie chart, your software will most likely stop operating.

    If this happens, follow the prompts in the windows that appear
    which close the software, then restart it.


    The Design, Help, and About buttons that appear on the button bar are
    not available for use with your software.  However, you can obtain
    detailed help on using graphs in your software at AccuWeather's web
    site on the Internet. 

                             2D Gallery - let you select from these
                                          two-dimensional (2D) graph

                                          pile, bar, area, polar, bubble,
                                          scattered line, gantt, high/low,
                                          candlestick, box-whisker, and
                                          time series graph.

                             3D Gallery - lets you select from these
                                          three-dimensional (3D) graph

                                          pie, bar, tape, area, scatter,
                                          and surface.

                                  Style - Lets you set the style options
                                          for your graph, such as the type
                                          of data marker and graph
                                          orientation (horizontal or
                                          vertical).  The options you can
                                          change vary depending on the
                                          type of graph selected.

                                   Data - Lets you change the graph's data
                                          dimensions, add or change a
                                          legend, and add or change data,
                                          data labels, and axis labels.

                                 Titles - Lets you change the graph's main
                                          title, and add or change a
                                          bottom, left and right title.

                                   Axis - Lets you change these attributes
                                          for each axis on the graph:

                                          color, position, scale, range,
                                          labels, tick marks, and grids.

                                     3D - Lets you customize the look of a
                                          selected 3D graph style.

                                  Fonts - Lets you change the typeface and
                                          size of the fonts used for any
                                          of the graph's text (such as
                                          titles and labels).

                                Markers - Lets you change the appearance
                                          (color, pattern, and so on) of
                                          the graph's markers (bars, pie
                                          slices, symbols, and so on).

                                 Trends - Lets you add or change
                                          statistical lines (such as the
                                          mean or standard deviation) and
                                          turn on/off curve fit.  These
                                          options are available only for
                                          certain graph types (such as
                                          line or high-low).

                                Overlay - Lets you graph (line only) an
                                          additional (single) data set on
                                          the existing graph, using the
                                          existing graph's axes
                                          (x- and y-axis, for example).

                              Error Bar - Lets you add or change error
                                          bars and values to show the
                                          margin of error related to the
                                          graphed data.  You can add error
                                          bars only to certain types of
                                          graphs (such as bar or line

                             Background - Lets you change the appearance
                                          of the graph's titles (add a
                                          color border or drop shadow, for
                                          example), change the legend's
                                          position and size, and change
                                          the color and pattern of the
                                          graph's background.

                                 System - lets you print your graph
                                          or save it to your hard
                                          drive as a bitmap image file
                                          so you can view or print it later
                                          (using Windows Paintbrush, for 

Follow these steps to use the button bar to change your graph's

1.  Click on the button you want to use.  The Graph Control window
    appears.  Inside that window are all of the selected button's controls
    and settings.  At the top of the window are several tabs (like file
    folder tabs) with labels that match the functions of the other

2.  Click on the control(s) and type in the setting(s) you want to change.


    The Help button that appears at the bottom of the Graph Control Window
    is not available for use with your software.

3.  To apply your changes to the graph and select a different button's
    functions (without closing the Graph Control Window), click on the tab
    at the top of the Graph Control window for the next function you want
    to use, then repeat Step 2.

    To apply your changes to the graph and close the Graph Control window,
    click on OK.  The software re-draws your graph showing the changes you

    To apply your changes to the graph now without closing the Graph
    Control window (if you plan to make other changes, for example, but
    you first want to see how these changes look), click on Apply Now.


    To close the Graph Control window without applying your changes, click
    on Cancel.

Saving Your Graph

To save your graph, click on system in the Weather Station Graph window.
The Graph Control window appears showing the System panel.  Click on
Bitmap (to set the software to save the file with a file extension of
.bmp), then click on File and type in the path and file name where you
want to save the graph.


    If you are unsure of the exact path and file name you want to use,
    click on Browse to open the Save As window.  Then locate the path and
    file name you want to use so it appears in the File Name box.  When
    you finish, click on OK to select that path and file name.

    To save the graph using the selected path and file name, click on OK
    in the Graph Control window.


    You can open and view a graph you save with a .bmp extension using
    Windows Paintbrush or another graphics program that can read bitmap

    You cannot re-open or edit a saved graph using the AccuWeather for
    Windows Weather Station Software

Printing Your Graph

To print your graph, click on System in the Weather Station Graph window.
The Graph Control window appears showing the System panel.  Click on
Border if you want to print the graph with a border, then click on Mono to
select black and white or click or Color to select color (if you have a
color printer).  Then click on Print to print the graph.


    The Graph Control window automatically prints your graph on the
    default printer you selected for Windows (in the Control Panel).

    If you selected Color, you can click on Palette in the Graph Control
    window to open a drop-down menu and select the color palette
    (combination) you want to use for printing the graph.

For Additional Help on Graphing

The graphing utility contained in your software includes numerous options
(some fairly complex) to let you change the look and content of your
weather graph.  The instructions and descriptions contained in this manual
are designed to get you started using graphs; however, you can obtain more
detailed help on graphing at AccuWeather's web site on the Internet.

To obtain additional help on graphing with your software (and get other
interesting information!), point your web browser to this location, then
follow the instructions that appear:

