Weather Station- Live current conditions
Updated: | GMT | |||||
Temp. [Indoor] | 17:32°F [07:17°F] | |||||
Heat Index (Summer Simmer Index) |
| |||||
Dew Point [Indoor] | °F [°F] | |||||
Humidity [Indoor] | % [%] | |||||
Wind | N(°) @ mph | |||||
Beaufort Scale |
| |||||
Wind Gust | mph | |||||
Wind Chill | 17.0°F | |||||
Barometer | inHg and | |||||
Rain: Rate* - Yesterday - Total* | in/hr - in - 0 in | |||||
Visibility | ||||||
Clouds | ||||||
Special Weather | ||||||
UV Index |
| |||||
Air Quality: Ozone - PM2.5 - PM10 |
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12-24 hour forecast | ||||||
Sunrise/Sunset | :/: CST | |||||
• Live weather alerts provided by NOAA/NWS, polled every 60 seconds. • Live outdoor conditions provided by using my station data, polled every 2 seconds. • Live indoor conditions and wind chill using my station data, polled every 2½ minutes. • Live METAR data from KGTU (which is an automated station), polled every 15 minutes. • Live UV Index provided by, polled every 15 minutes. • Live Air Quality Index provided by AIRNow, polled every 15 minutes. • Allergy forcast WAS provided by Allergy & Asthma Associates via, not updated enough • Reset of the base unit caused the yearly to reset. in was lost after various resets. • Rain Rate faulty, station info has more details. |
This is the raw output |
• Raw output is timestamped on upper right, polled every 2½ minutes.