
Weather Station- Live current conditions

Updated: GMT
Temp. [Indoor] 17:32°F [07:17°F]
Heat Index (Summer Simmer Index)
n/a   (n/a)
Dew Point [Indoor] °F [°F]
Humidity [Indoor] % [%]
Wind N(°) @ mph
Beaufort Scale
Wind Gust mph
Wind Chill17.0°F
Barometer inHg and
Rain: Rate* - Yesterday - Total* in/hr - in - 0 in
Special Weather
UV Index
Air Quality: Ozone - PM2.5 - PM10
 -   - 
12-24 hour forecast
Sunrise/Sunset :/: CST
• Live weather alerts provided by NOAA/NWS, polled every 60 seconds.
• Live outdoor conditions provided by using my station data, polled every 2 seconds.
• Live indoor conditions and wind chill using my station data, polled every 2½ minutes.
• Live METAR data from KGTU (which is an automated station), polled every 15 minutes.
• Live UV Index provided by, polled every 15 minutes.
• Live Air Quality Index provided by AIRNow, polled every 15 minutes.
• Allergy forcast WAS provided by Allergy & Asthma Associates via, not updated enough
• Reset of the base unit caused the yearly to reset. in was lost after various resets.
• Rain Rate faulty, station info has more details.

Detailed NWS/NOAA Forecast for this station location
• Raw METAR data from Austin-Bergstrom International Airport, Austin-Mabry, Georgetown link for this zip code
NOAA quality control for C6261
CWOP weather quality control for CW6261
MESONET entry for C6261
CWOP findu page for CW6261
AIRNow link for Austin, TX

This is the raw output

• Raw output is timestamped on upper right, polled every 2½ minutes.